

A busy square in the city centre, 12 o'clock noon. While waving to her fellow student Luise (Paula Kroh) from a distance, Mina Jiang (Yun Huang) suddenly collapses dead. A shot in the back of the head leads commissioners Rubin (Meret Becker) and Karow (Mark Waschke) to the historic centre of Berlin. Initial assessments show that the shot was fired from a nearby building, the "Berlin School of Law", a private elite university. The seminar room from which the shot presumably originated was occupied at the time by four students holding a colloquium: Quembach (Franz Pätzold) leading, Falkenstein (Lukas Walcher), Wolfram Liere (Max Krause) and Godlewsky (Johannes Scheidweiler) part of the inner circle. Rubin and Karow discover that every year, the members of the colloquium select a new entrant who must pass certain tests in order to be accepted. This year it is Benjamin Renz (Anton von Lucke), who comes from a nonelitist family in Oberschöneweide. Benjamin is friends with Luise, who does not accept the secret male society. He has already successfully completed two initiation tests, but what is the third about? Prof. Richard Liere, founder of the university, (Peter Kurth), seeks the assistance of his star lawyer Dr. Perner (Ulrich Friedrich Brandhoff) to advise the student suspects. Karow's ambition is awakened; after all, he too has begun studying law and knows Liere from days gone past.
The perfect crime is a topos in the history of crime films. Tatort adopts the theme and portrays the incredible hubris of a group of students whose lives are defined by money and networks. They are highly gifted, but are they shameless enough to believe they can commit the perfect crime? And does it even exist?

Initial broadcast
Meret Becker, Mark Waschke, Carolyn Genzkow, Daniel Krauss, Anton von Lucke, Max Krause, Franz Pätzold, Johannes Scheidweiler, Lukas Walcher, Peter Kurth uvm....
Brigitte Maria Bertele
Josephine Schröder-Zebralla (rbb)
Michael Comtesse
Uli Aselmann, Sophia Aldenhoven
Ulrike Müller
Director of Photography
Timon Schäppi