Uli Aselmann

Producer, Managing Partner
Uli Aselmann was born in Hamburg St. Georg in 1957. After attending school in his hometown, he studied German and musicology in Bielefeld, then returned to Hamburg to do his civilian service. He worked at the theatre as an assistant director, among other things, was a radio producer at NDR and studied visual communication at the Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg, graduating with a film diploma. He then held various positions in film and TV productions and in 1991 became a permanent producer at ndF, where he was responsible for series, TV movies, cinema productions and commercials. In September 1997 he became self-employed and founded film gmbh in Munich. In November 2007, Aselmann was elected chairman of the board of AG Spielfilm and played a major role in the merger of the association with the Produzentenallianz in June 2008, where he continues his film policy work as section chairman cinema and deputy chairman to this day. Since February 2009, Uli Aselmann has been on the board of the Berlin Film Board. He is also a member of the German and European Film Academies.